
Men pumping up muscles

Cycle Support: PCT and OCT – The Best Protection After a Cure!

Cycle Support: On Cycle Therapy (OCT) and Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)… why are they so important? Well, because you need to protect your liver and organs functions, as well as restore your hormone levels after going through a prohormone cure or a SARMs cycle. Here you will find the information you need to choose a PCT complex and to find out what are the best supplements for you.

What is Cycle Support?

Currently there is a wide range of supplements that help bodybuilders, weight lifters and other strength athletes in general to achieve their dream body. SARMs, prohormones and other supplements like testosterone boosters can help you reach your fitness goal. These substances will boost your strength and develop your muscle mass volume in no time. Well, the Cycle Support function is to let you go through these cycles safely.

However, without a proper Cycle Support those results can vanish as quickly as they come. OCT supplements will protect your organs while you take SARMS or prohormones. And PCT supplements will help you preserve your hard-earned gains and will restore your hormonal levels when you are done with a cycle. Also, it will protect your body organs, prevent testosterone suppression, and facilitate your transition off a cycle.

Cycle Support Effects

The main mission of Cycle Support is to help your body recover its normal hormonal levels and to protect your body organs. SARMs have less side effects than some prohormones and anabolic steroids. However, no matter which of them you choose, it is always advisable to rely on Cycle Support supplements, both during and after a cure.

There are two stages in which you can profit from these products. In first place, you can appeal to an On Cycle Therapy support while taking prohormones or SARMs. This will protect and optimize all organs and especially liver functions, as well as it will reduce toxic side effects. Also, they will ensure that your heart, blood pressure and prostate stay in optimal shape.

In second place, it is almost mandatory that you go on a Post Cycle Therapy after finishing a cure of anabolic steroids, prohormones or SARMs. PCT supplements help to regulate your body after a prohormone regimen. Besides, they lessen potentially harmful side effects. Also, you need to maintain all the hard gained muscle mass you worked so hard to get. All that effort has to be worthy, right?


After finishing a cycle, estrogen levels may be too high. Fat gain, water retention or gynecomastia (in men) may develop. In addition, some anabolic cures can suppress the body’s own testosterone production. Thus, it must be reactivated immediately. PCT contains active ingredients that level the testosterone balance and increase general well-being. And at the same time, protect all your organs functions and prevent muscle mass loss.

Cycle Support Advantage

Cycle Support backs you up so you can focus on your muscle pumping goals without having side concerns. Both OCT and PCT offer the same advantages:

  • Support natural hormone levels
  • Activates the body’s own testosterone production
  • Protects liver functions
  • Reduces water retention
  • Promotes healthy cholesterol levels
  • Decreased fat gain
  • Maintains lean muscle mass
  • Protects prostate and increases libido
  • Faster tissue regeneration

The Best PCT Supplements Available

Swiss Pharmaceuticals has amazing products to support your muscle building journey. In Cycle Therapy:

Effective OCT and PCT protection for your liver. Reduces toxic side effects of prohormone and anabolic steroid cures and supports your liver optimal function.

Other related supplements:

Potent anabolic muscle building peptide. IGF-1 in its purest form - an innovative supplement for more muscle, strength and increased fat loss.

Natural booster that increases muscle strength and muscle build-up, protects the cardiovascular system and improves endurance and regeneration.


Side Effects

Cycle Support is intended to counteract harmful side effects that prohormones, anabolic steroids or SARMs may cause in the organism. Among the most dangerous is liver disease. So in order to protect your liver and all organs, taking OCT and PCT is always a good choice.

In short, Cycle Support offers very effective protection to keep your liver in top condition during and after a cycle. Likewise, it has a strong antioxidant effect and prevents the accumulation of toxic substances in cells. It also helps prevent the death of nerve cells. And may have the ability to control immune function. And last but not least, it will restore your hormonal levels optimally.